1 CD-ROM US$200.00 (Upgrade US$40.00)
- To purchase a copy of the DOE Corpus in Electronic Form, please visit our online store
The Electronic Corpus of the Dictionary of Old English is a complete record of surviving Old English except for some variant manuscripts of individual texts. There are 3060 texts in the Corpus. No software (i.e. search engine) is included.The Dictionary of Old English is happy to provide copies of the corpus at cost to scholars interested in working with it. The individual scholar must take responsibility for clearing copyright with the editors and publishers of the editions used in his/her own citations of the material. We ask that you not copy and/or (re)distribute the corpus without the written consent of the Dictionary of Old English.
The corpus is presented in 2 formats:
- HTML format (viewable with a web browser)
- XML format.
For more information, see our release for the 2009 Dictionary of Old English in Electronic Form.
We provide copies of the corpus at cost for academic use: US$200.00 including shipping. (Price subject to change without notice.)
The Dictionary of Old English Corpus was originally prepared for internal use at the Dictionary of Old English. We hope that other scholars will be able to use the material and we would be grateful to receive comments about errors or problems you discover.
* The 2009 Release of the Dictionary of Old English Corpus has been produced with the support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the National Endowment for the Humanities, an independent federal agency.