Dear Friends of the Dictionary of Old English,
It is remarkable to look back today and reflect that we embarked on our journey to create the Dictionary of Old English (DOE) more than half a century ago. We remain deeply grateful to you, our loyal supporters, for helping to keep this project alive and growing.
As a special expression of our appreciation, we would like to inform you of an opportunity to double the impact of your support as the DOE embarks on the next phase of its history. Between now and December 31, 2022, all new donations to the DOE will be matched dollar for dollar by the Faculty of Arts & Science.
Click here to make a contribution.
This exciting matching opportunity is possible thanks to a landmark gift by Professor Roberta Frank.
This bold donation is a significant leap toward our goal of raising $150,000 before year-end with the help of you, our international community of scholars and friends. In reaching that goal, we will secure $300,000 in support for the DOE.
I was there at the very beginning of the Dictionary of Old English, and I promised its founder Angus Cameron in his last days that his vision for the project would come to pass. The DOE is Canada’s most important and lasting scholarly contribution to the history of English.”
Professor Roberta Frank, Supporter of the DOE major gift and legacy campaigns
This matching campaign comes at an important time, as we work to complete the letter L. We are now finishing up the first fascicle, La-Le, which will go to press next year. As many of you know, this section contains a number of widely attested words, including “Land,” the largest under L. We will then work to complete Li-Ly, comprising approximately 600 entries, roughly half of which have already been drafted.
Give today to double your impact with a matching gift. You can help us complete the Dictionary of Old English, thereby documenting the origins of the English language for generations to come.
Your generous donation brings us significantly closer to our goal of completing the DOE’s 52-year legacy of research. We thank you warmly for your continuing support.
Robert Getz
Stephen Pelle
Dictionary of Old English
P.S. Legacy gifts, also known as planned gifts, are an important means of ensuring the long-term viability of this historic project. Legacy gifts may be made in direct support of the DOE. If you have already left a legacy gift, please let us know so we may thank you for your contribution. Legacy gifts can remain fully anonymous, with all related conversations held in strictest confidence. If you wish to learn more about how to leave a legacy gift to the DOE, please contact Becky Fallis at becky.fallis@utoronto.ca in the Office of Advancement at the Faculty of Arts & Science, University of Toronto.
P.P.S. If you’re a monthly donor, your contributions to the Dictionary of Old English from now until the end of the year will also be matched dollar for dollar.